Friday, July 23, 2010

Numba two i've got a quote from my favorite tv series, "how i met your mother." great show, check it out:)

"Okay, yes, it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake. But there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake, but you don't really know it's a mistake, because the only way to really know it's a mistake is to make the mistake, and look back and say, "Yep, that was a mistake." So, really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because then you'd go your whole life not really knowing if something is a mistake or not. And, damn it, I've made no mistakes! I've done all of this, my life, my relationship, my career, mistake-free. Does any of this make sense to you?"

probably not. so i'll give you a minute to go back and read it all again:)

cool? basically its saying how, life isn't about doing everything perfectly, but experiencing everything at least once. according to a survey i found online, regret is the worst feeling in the world, on par with being cheated on, and slightly behind the death of family or self(though technically that wouldn't be a feeling cos you'd be dead but anyway). so honestly, would u want yourself to be cheated on? i believe not. so why do so many people risk regretting the experiences they never had, preferring to take the safe, sensible route?

simple. the answer is fear.

seriously. look at it, our society, our family, ourselves.... its all ruled by fear. we gotta score well, if not we won't have a good life! we gotta be popular so we can fit in and not be left out! we gotta study and put my own interests first, if not i will suffer and that guy will be better than me! we gotta do homework so our teacher won't scold us! look deep down, aren't you the same? humans, since time immemorial(god i've always wanted to say that), have been ruled by fear. fear of god, fear of being ostracized, fear of death and fear of loneliness have been a few of the primary fears that all people share. and most people would say, hey, whats wrong to fear? its not cowardly, its whats best for us. perhaps, but what if we can overcome these fears?what if, after discovering our greatest fear, we don't take steps to avoid it, but face it head on?

how many of you are afraid of spiders? come on hands up. in fact, i'll man up. i am completely... not terrified of spiders. heh. you wussies. ok, but seriously, if you're afraid of spiders, would u ever dare to... hold one in your hand? or visit the spider enclosures at... is there anywhere they keep spiders? mmm.

or heights. i'm afraid of heights, and honestly the idea of taking just the singapore flyer freaks me out. but given the chance, i would go for it. really. at the risk of sounding like this weird, shameless douche, when u actually face down your fears and just like flip it a strong and firm metaphorical middle finger, do you really, really feel in control of your life. for me, this moment was... ok this does sound quite idiotic typed out, but this moment was when i leaned on the railings on the top floor Plaza Singapura and looked down to the crowds below. not exactly an awe-inspiring and motivational example, but yeah. i remember when i was young, i went to PS alot. but whenever i rode the escalator i always didn't dare to look down cos its just so damn high. like you're about to fall off. so that day, when i gathered up my nuts and looked over that railing, i felt really in control. like, i could do anything. i could go on a roller coaster ride. i could complete that stupid high elements resilience course in J1. i could take the goddamn singapore flyer.

and perhaps u have felt such a thrill before. the adrenaline shoots up to your head, and u feel pretty damn good about yourself. in fact, it doesn't even have to come from facing your fears.for instance, completing an 8 km run(for average people like me:/ ), going up on stage and dancing/singing/performing/emceeing, scoring a whole bunch of goals in soccer.. and so on. all of these can be put under one big group, and this brings us full circle back to what i was talking about.


not just any experience, one that u usually would not have done, or were to afraid to have done, or did not think you could have done. its when u really remove all your inhibitions and go for it, will you truly live life. and it is also at this point of time can u really have no regrets about life. comfort and security and safety all feels good and all, but do you really wanna spend your entire life eating apples only, when out there, within your reach, is a delicious triple-tier tiramisu black forrest and cheese cake flavoured ice cream, swimming in chocolate-strawberry-and-caramel syrup, topped off with an aromatic and crunchy selection of cashew, almond, and roasted nuts... and at the very top a beautifully shining crimson cherry?

apple, or triple-tier ice cream?

i know what i'll pick :)

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